Brunch all day – every day, what more do you want?
Teds in the media

OMG! Hippe brunch-zaak Teds komt naar Rotterdam
Als je fan bent van brunch, laat uit bed komt met een kater, of om 16.00 uur nog ontbijt cravings hebt, dan wil je naar Teds.

Je favoriete horeca aan huis
De horeca is weer gesloten. Een essentieel onderdeel van onze cultuur én stad is ontoegankelijk geworden.

Sneak peek! Teds opent in Leiden en zo ziet het eruit
Het hippe all day brunch-restaurant Teds heeft Leiden uitgekozen als volgende bestemming.

Den Haag is met Teds weer een hotspot rijker. Wij werden uitgenodigd bij de ‘all day brunch’ lunchroom om te komen proeven.

Hotspot Alert | TEDS All Day Brunch Den Haag
Houd jij er ook van om zo af en toe een dagje-escape-je-eigen-stad te doen? Laatst ging ik op een van de eerste lentedagen van dit jaar naar het altijd gezellige Oh Oh Den Haag.

All day brunch bij nieuwe hotspot Teds Amsterdam in West!

Brunch Restaurant Amsterdam - Teds All Day Brunch
Brunchen in Amsterdam doe je bij Teds all day brunch restaurant in Amsterdam (ook afhaal). Van Eggs Benedict tot Florentine en Brunch menu's.

Inside… Teds
Voor Inside… maken we een selectie uit de leukste, nieuwste en meest bijzondere plekken die Amsterdam te bieden heeft.

De Bosboom Toussaintstraat vind ik persoonlijk één van de mooiste straten van Amsterdam en het nieuwe all day brunch & high tea spot TEDS maakt deze straat nóg leuker en mooier.

Al het nieuws dat in Haarlem opduikt wordt met open armen ontvangen. Nie gek nie, want de stad verdient nog wel wat fijne tenten. Vinden wij. En vond ook TEDS, toen de dames besloten neer te strijken aan het Spaarne.

Nieuw aan het Spaarne is Teds. Op nummer 94, waar eerst Martinus zat. Bij Teds kan je de hele dag door ontbijten en brunchen.

TEDS Haarlem
Wat zeg je ervan als een super lekkere brunch spot haar vleugels uitspreid?

Hotspot: Teds Haarlem
Het is alweer even geleden dat we een hotspot behandeld hebben op de site. Hoog tijd om daar weer verandering in te brengen.

Dit leuke tentje zit aan de Oudegracht in een historisch pand dat ultiem Utrecht uitstraalt.

Waar men van houdt in good old Amsterdam, dat wil men in Utrecht ook wel. En dat weet TEDS. Een van de betere (all day... all day!) brunchtenten van Amsterdam West.

Ted’s All Day Brunch strijkt neer in Utrecht
Hallelujah, onze gebeden zijn verhoord! Ein-de-lijk is er een officiële brunch spot geopend in Utrecht.
Teds, not just between breakfast & lunch…
A place where you can order Waffle Fries in the morning next to your French Toast or Poached Eggs in the afternoon, it simply didn’t exist in Amsterdam.
That changes in May 2015 when Teds opened its doors for brunch, not just in the weekend and between breakfast & lunch, but All day and every day. Because, why not?
In that time, day time restaurants offered their breakfast menu until 11.00 (if you were lucky), lunch from 11.30-15.00 and after that fried snacks until the evening menu started.
Sanne Huisman, founder of Teds, is the kind of person who can really have cravings for fries in the morning with a glass of Champagne or a bowl of Yoghurt and Granola in the afternoon. Well, the rest is herstory…
Back in 2015 Teds Amsterdam was the first restaurant offering one menu All Day in NL. Now, 7 years down the brunch road Teds is at seven locations. Number 5, Teds Leiden opened it’s doors during the 2nd lockdown December 2020 & Teds Rotterdam – number 6 – opened up June ‘21 at the most beautiful rooftop of the Schieblok. number 7, Teds Jordaan opened in March ’22. Behind the scenes already working on Teds number 8 & 9!
Teds has a trendsetting brunch menu, vibe & each and every dish is very instagrammable. Yes, in this case appearance does matter! With a highly active online community 21,8k followers on Instagram & 23k unique page viewers per month, Teds is growing rapidly & looking for new cities/locations to expand.
Less is a bore…
Teds can make you feel a bit overwhelmed but with a smile. Let go of the stiff “doe maar normaal, dat is al gek genoeg” Dutch standards & digg in! We strive to excel everyday. More of our amazing service, more pretty smiles, more matching music played a tiny bit too loud, more active online presence with loads of give aways, more to enjoy together.
More is more and less is a bore, to quote Iris Apfel.
Less is a bore…
Teds can make you feel a bit overwhelmed but with a smile. Let go the stiff “doe maar normaal, dat is al gek genoeg” Dutch standards & digg in!
We strive to excel everyday. More of our amazing service, more pretty smiles, more matching music played a tiny bit too loud, more active online presence with loads of give aways, more to enjoy together.
More is more and less is a bore, to quote Iris Apfel.
People love what they see
As with other major food brands, the key is to anticipate to WHY people love your brand. To really know your following & audience and to keep giving them what they want.
For Teds times are changing. Tourists were non-existent for the major part of 2021. But Teds continued to grow and although Amsterdam is where everything started, we will tap into the overall Teds feel for many more cities to follow. Just imagine: Teds was able to thrive on the international feel of Indulgence & More. The feel of freedom, weekend when you choose it to be weekend not just on Saturday or Sunday, the “I really deserve this” feel. The holiday feel. The “let me have this for now” feel.
This feeling attracts the locals in Teds cities looking for this holiday feeling of indulgement.
The sweetest, funniest and most loving French Bulldog ever. Named after Teds’ founder Sanne’s childhood idol, Ted van der Parre – Strongest Man in the World 1992. Unfortunately, Ted died April 2018.
You can find his presence via his picture and little references to him you in every venue.
The DEF must tries…
Since the beginning the Chicken Avo sandwich and the Teds Philly Cheese steak rocked the top of the most wanted list. Followed by our Original French Toast w. bacon & banana and the Eggs Benedict. The Triple Omega, containing 2 poached eggs, avocado & smoked salmon, came onboard 6 months after opening in 2015 and became a star player immediatly. It was the summer of 2019 when the King of fried chicken sandwiches entered the room. We can’t imagine our life’s without the Teds Chicken Katsu anymore. Then life became a true party with our newest menu, we trippeled the sweets assortiment w. loads of new Banana Pancake toppings and the Queen Mother of French Toast, the Sugarloaf French Toast w. Karaage Fried Chicken. Did I die and just went to food heaven?
Teds motto’s:
1) Calories don’t count
2) Sauce is the soul of the sandwich
The DEF must tries…
Since the beginning the Chicken Avo sandwich and the Teds Philly Cheese steak in the top of the most wanted list. Followed by our Original French Toast w. bacon & banana and the Eggs Benedict. The Triple Omega, containing 2 poached eggs, avocado & smoked salmon, came onboard 6 months after opening in 2015 and became a star player immediatly. It was the summer of 2019 when the King of fried chicken sandwiches entered the room. We can’t imagine our life’s without the Teds Chicken Katsu anymore. Then life became a true party with our newest menu, we trippeled the sweets assortiment w. loads of new Banana Pancake toppings and the Queen Mother of French Toast, the Sugarloaf French Toast w. Karaage Fried Chicken.
Did I die and just went to food heaven? Teds motto’s:
1) Calories don’t count
2) Sauce is the soul of the sandwich
The lifestyle brand…
Next to our awesome Brunch Squad sweaters & Hoodies, Teds Sporting Soques, Toatbags, Teds launched the Crossbody Bag December ‘20. Available through our own webshop, at the Teds locations & at the ING rentepunten shop.
But Teds is not done launching new lifestyle & fashion items. June ‘21 the Teds Bubble Cooler was available, followed by The Soqqie-bag Soques gift-pack w. new awesome colourfull soques.
Do you also want a product collab w. Teds? Slide us an email sales@teds-place.nl.
Brunch Boxes and Spirited High Tea’s…
When Teds went in to lockdown we continiued to treat our fans to delicious Brunches & High Tea’s. For every celebratory day (Easter, Mom’s Day, Valentines etc) we developed an unique Teds at home experience . The Build Your Own brunch box filled w. Teds classics prefab & easy to finish at home. The ‘21 Valentines Box sold over 600 times. So the BYO Brunch Box is here to stay! This goes for our High Tea’s aswell. Available for Pick-Up & Delivery through Ubereats but also from June ‘21 available via the ING rentepunten shop. To enjoy at home, on your boat or as a picknick in one of the many parks near a Teds location.
Brunch Boxes and Spirited High Tea’s…
When Teds went in to lockdown we continiued to treat our fans to delicious Brunches & High Tea’s. For every celebratory day (Easter, Mom’s Day, Valentines etc) we developed an unique Teds at home experience . The Build Your Own brunch box filled w. Teds classics pre-fab & easy to finish at home. The ‘21 Valentines Box sold over 600 times. So the BYO Brunch Box is here to stay! This goes for our High Tea’s aswell. Available for Pick-Up & Delivery through Ubereats but also from June ‘21 available via the ING rentepunten shop. To enjoy at home, on your boat or as a picknick in one of the many parks near a Teds location.
Who’s who?
Sanne Huisman, Founder & Chief.
Mom of two kiddo’s, Jan born ‘17, Philou born ‘18.
2 Doggie’s Frenkie & Donnie to complete the chaos. Married to Michiel Huisman who is keeping her sane.
Michiel Huisman, Head of Finance.
Same chaos at home, founder & operator in VIQTOR Ventures. Founding partners w. Paul Wiertz you might know them from Couverts sold to Tripadvisor in ‘16.
Paul Wiertz, Head of MarComm.
Samesame but different chaos at home, partnering up w. Michiel as a dreamteam since ‘06.
Philippe Vos, Operational Manager Teds Group.
Managing day2day business and keeping her sane too.
Teds is privatly owned & under own management & proud AF to be so!